

Save the date: conference RETROFIT on January 20th, 2015
‘To retrofit or not to retrofit, that is the question’
The final conference for the project RETROFIT ‘To retrofit or not to retrofit, that is the question’ will take place on 20 January 2015 in Rotterdam. The FP7 project RETROFIT, started on the first of October 2011, has developed methods and tools to assist ship owners throughout their decision making process whether they should retrofit to comply with new emission regulations. During this conference the RETROFIT project results will be displayed.
Retrofitting ships with green technologies is an actual dilemma for ship owners having to comply with new emission regulations, for example the January 1st 2015 SECA regulation. The choice of suitable green technologies, the resulting energy and emission performance and the expected costs versus the benefits are important issues for the ship owner decision.
During the conference on 20 January 2015 in Rotterdam the results of the project will be displayed and simulation tools for technical and economic evaluation of retrofitting will be demonstrated. The workshops will further include interactive parallel sessions with small groups, testimonies from real practice and a moderated session. The conference will conclude with a panel discussion.
The conference is free of charge.
More information
More information about this conference and registration will follow in the coming weeks. For more information please contact with us